Visual Time Sheet - Professional is designed for users! This wonderfully simple, low-cost time sheet software has everything you need for effortless daily time recording and reporting
Why use time recording software? The right time recording software will pay dividends in your business: • It aids profitability by ensuring billable work is much less likely to be overlooked • It improves customer satisfaction with charging by providing accurate records of effort • It provides data for better estimation by recording how long activities actually take • It supplies useful information to support the general management of staff and resources
Why is the right software important? • Software that makes time recording quick and simple will be rapidly adopted by all users (regardless of their computer skills) with little or no training • Ease of use is essential to encourage regular time recording - this improves the accuracy of records, provides data for more frequent reporting, spreads the administration effort more efficiently, and increases user satisfaction • You're busy enough running the business, without having to manage complex applications! Choose software that is simple to administer and maintain