Our Mission
We are here to provide you with the one of the most complete and personalised IT support package available anywhere. Our aim is to try and provide unbiased views on products from the IT sector, with a view to integrate these into your growing IT investment.
How are going to do IT
We are an independent company, not here to sell you any product, just to help you make the most of what you already have, and make the right decisions about upgrades. Through our experience we have built up a wide knowledge on products and manufactures. We also have a series of preferred products, ranging from NEC, HP, Iiayma, Netgear, F-Secure, Oasys, Microsoft, and other suppliers who have excellent products. We can save you time, and make the most of your investment for you to do your Job.
How can we do IT
Formed in the early part of 2001 with an experience then of over 16 years in support services, within the IT industry. We have full experience of systems from single PC workstations to full network systems with Internet access.
We have experience in the standard office or CAD environments covering most versions of standard applications and peripherals.